Walker is an authorised manufacturer of highly resistant and tamper-proof DGUV test marks and GS marks
As an authorised partner of the DGUV Test accreditation body, you will receive from us a valid certificate, your GS and DGUV Test marks and Euro Test marks.
Your order should be directed to:
Walker Etiketten! GmbH Fax 0049 7021 9406 25
E-mail: dguv-test(at)walker-etiketten.de
The order form for GS and DGUV Test marks and Euro Test marks can be downloaded in German or English at the bottom of this page.
After the certification has been examined, you will normally receive your Test mark within 14 days.
Would you like to integrate the GS and DGUV Test marks into your company labels?
We would like to make a practical proposal, working in conjunction with the DGUV Test accreditation body. Call us now:
Brief explanation of the DGUV Test mark
The DGUV Test mark is a voluntary approval mark that was introduced in 1984 under the name BG Mark. Passing the test via a certification body confirms that the health and safety requirements have been met. The issuer is the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). A DGUV test certificate must be renewed every five years at the latest.
This ensures that the information is up-to-date and the quality is consistent.
Each mark includes an abbreviation for the test centre and a certificate number.
Additional characters, such as ergonomic characteristics, can point to tests that go beyond the minimum requirements.
Click here for the DGUV Test pages
Download: Order form in German
Download: Order form in English
Security labels
Warranty and sealing labels made of self-destructing document film, tear or split up on the first attempt at opening
Security labels made of VOID films generate a pattern or lettering when opened
Counterfeit-proof elements provide an effective protection against counterfeiting
We are an authorised manufacturer of highly resistant and tamper-proof DGUV test marks and GS marks